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Shutdown on Strain

Shutdown on Strain

Issue 61 October 2009

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RSI Case Study - Noor Qureshi, 22, Student

“My repetitive strain injury (RSI) to my right wrist began with hockey. I was a keen hockey player and I developed RSI after playing competitively for three years and having a direct blow to my right wrist in 2001. My first point of call was my GP who told me there are many kinds of RSI; I was diagnosed with tendonitis. This meant that due to overuse and injury, the tendons in my right wrist had swollen causing tears and inflammation which made it painful and difficult to use my right wrist. It didn’t help that I am right handed and need my wrist to carry out a whole array of day-to-day tasks including writing and typing. Little did I know then that its treatment would take time and patience. Initially my GP prescribed Ibuprofen and paracetamol but I did not find either of them very useful as the pain would still come with great intensity. I found that rather than treating the root cause of the pain, they were merely suppressing the symptoms. Dissatisfied with pain killers and still in excruciating pain I went back to my GP, who referred me on to a physiotherapist. 
My physiotherapist explained that it was the repetitive actions using my wrist such as typing that was causing the pain and that I needed to give my wrist a break and time to recover. Easier said than done when you happen to be right handed! Since I was not able to give my wrist the break it needed, my physiotherapist recommended wearing a wrist support whenever I used my wrist for prolonged periods of time. I found that this was helpful as it reduced the overall strain on my wrist. I did physiotherapy for four weeks, which helped a little. On the recommendation of my physiotherapist I tried hot and cold water application alternatively for five minutes each, lasting for 20 minutes every day. This was helpful but it didn’t eradicate the pain totally.
This was when I decided to explore alternative health care. I found a wonderful topical application in Holland and Barratts called ‘phytorhuma gel’  which I applied daily and which really helped to increase my wrist’s mobility. I also tried acupuncture for a month which I think helped a little.
However, it was whilst exploring homeopathy in 2005 that I found a really effective treatment. I found a combination remedy called ‘Traumeel’ which is available as tablets as well as a topical cream and which has no side effects. I applied the cream and took the tablets and I found myself benefitting rapidly. Both the swelling and the pain decreased.
Eight years on and I now feel much better to the extent that I am able to do gentle weight exercises regularly. On the odd occasion that my wrist bothers me I find rapid relief with the use of Traumeel tablets and cream.” 


Shutdown on Strain

Repetitive Strain Injury  or RSI is a term used to describe various musculoskeletal injuries such as cramp of the hand, frozen shoulder, inflammation in the elbow or knee, wear in the neck and spine. Overuse of the muscles of the hands, wrists arms or shoulders repeatedly on a daily basis can lead to RSI type injuries. Common symptoms of RSI are: pain or tenderness in the muscles or joints, tingling sensations (pins and needles) or numbness in the hand, arm or foot, loss of strength or sensation in the limbs, heaviness of hands, clumsiness, chronically cold hands, hypersensitivity and frequent hand massage (usually subconsciously).


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