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16. Real Lives: Watch this face

Some young people have achieved a lot in their respective fields, and we must acknowledge their talents.

Issue 100 | Real Lives | Watch this Face

17. Real Lives: Migrant Memoirs

The stories of how the elders in our community came to the West, and the challenges they faced in building a new life.

Issue 100 | Real Lives | Migrant Memoirs

18. Real Lives: Marriage

Muslims are encouraged to get married, and every couple has a unique story, whether it be through how they met, how they live their lives, or the challenges that they have faced.

Issue 100 | Real Lives | Marriage

19. Real Lives: Kith&kin

Our friends and family are there to support us in our endeavours, but often we will share hobbies and interests with them, as well as embarking on adventures together.

Issue 100 | Real Lives | Kith & Kin

20. Real Lives: A week in the life of....

The Muslim community is incredibly diverse, and we have featured those that have interesting jobs or lead exciting lives.

Issue 100 | Real Lives | Week in the life of

21. Gardens of Peace

Whilst a Hadith Qudsi informs the believer that paradise is what “no eye has seen and no ear has heard, nor has it occurred to the human heart”, the Qur’an propounds the beautiful metaphor of “gardens beneath which rivers flow.”

Issue 100 | Life Style | Art

22. Interiors: Movement by Design

The breathtaking splendour of Muslim art and design throughout history, is not matched by our modern day works. Sarah Joseph calls for a design movement that draws on Divine sources of inspiration not merely a reproduction and recalibration of the past.

Issue 100 | Life Style | Interior

23. Healthy Living

God has entrusted our bodies to us, and we must do our best to ensure that they do not come to any harm. Therefore, we should maintain good health and wellbeing, through eating well and exercising.

Issue 100 | Life Forums | Health

24. Food Recipes

We'll take you through some recipes that will tantalise your taste buds from fish dishes, traditional rack of lamb followed by cherry brownies and much more.

Issue 100 | Life Style | Food

25. What's Halal about Food?

The halal food industry is worth billions, yet it is poor in quality. Sarah Joseph asserts that food in the Muslim lifestyle must be wholesome, not just lawful.

Issue 100 | Life Style | Food

26. Clever about Gadgets

Gadgets can improve our lives in many ways, but they can also make us lazy or distract us. We should appreciate technology as an illustrator of creativity and innovation.

Issue 100 | Life Style | Gadgets

27. Mindful Motoring

Owning a car is essential for most of us around the world, but we should be conscious of their impact on the environment and try to seek out eco-friendly alternatives.

Issue 100 | Life Style | Motoring

28. Travel Tales: Responsible Retreats

Whenever you travel anywhere, you have an impact on the environment. It is reported that in terms of damage to the climate, flying is 10 times worse than taking the train, and CO2 emissions from flying have increased 83% since 1990.

Issue 100 | Life Style | Travel

29. Travel Tales: Spiritual Journeys

Hajj is the ultimate spiritual journey for Muslims. Every year, three million people from all over the world travel to Makkah for pilgrimage during the month of Dhul-Hijjah to perform a set of rituals that have been prescribed by God.

Issue 100 | Life Style | Travel

30. Travel Tales: Seeing History

In the centuries following the Prophet Muhammad, Muslims from Arabia travelled across the world to spread the message of Islam. They travelled far and wide, working as merchants and scholars, bringing back goods and knowledge to help the Muslim Empire progress.

Issue 100 | Life Style | Travel
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