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Displaying results 61-75 of 1330 matches for query N. Search took 0.04 seconds.

61. The Search for Abu Talib

Have Muslims in Britain done enough to reach out and make friends with people from outside the Muslim community?

Issue 99 | Comments | Dilwar Hussain

62. Watch this Face

To be top in the world at anything is note-worthy, but to be top in the world at something at the age of 15 is truly remarkable. This is the case for 15-year-old Pakistani student Zainab Hameed.

Issue 99 | Real Lives | Watch this Face

63. Tomorrow's World

I have just finished attending a technology and innovation conference in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. I have listened to an extraordinary Array of speakers from MIT, PopTech, and Pixar.

Issue 99 | Editorial | Editorial

64. Food Childhood

Aaisha Ahmed grew up with a mixed background and developed her taste buds from an early age.

Issue 98 | Life Style | Food

65. With hardship comes ease

After a devastation of dashed dreams and hopes, Farzana Gardee tells her story of how she continues to rebirth her ideas of God, life and love.

Issue 98 | Real Lives | After Hardship Comes Ease

66. Tending to Teeth

Everyone wants a Hollywood smile, but it can only be achieved through constant and meticulous care of your teeth. Shireen Hilmi looks at the ways in which you can ensure your teeth stay squeaky clean.

Issue 98 | Life Forums | Health

67. November Issue Out Now

We would like to wish all those on hajj a blessed and wonderful journey. May God accept your salutations and prayers. And Eid Mubarak to all the rest of our readers! This month's issue focuses on Ebrahim Rasool, South Africa’s ambassador to the USA, charting his journey from Apartheid prison cells to global diplomacy. Other features include the new Islamic art at the Louvre in Paris, holidaying in the Maldives, and tempting fig recipes.

Issue 98 | Features | Feature Articles

68. Meeting the Heroes of Palestine

In April 2002, the Israeli military forces entered the Jenin refugee camp and what ensued can only be described as a massacre.

Issue 98 | Diaries | Travelling Imam

69. Screaming in Tandem

Ali’s mum was living in Qatar but during a trip to London still managed to introduce him to Noora from Egypt who was also on holiday in the UK.

Issue 98 | Real Lives | Marriage

70. A Month as a Muslim

Over 2011, Andrew embarked on Project Conversion, where he experienced a different religion for each month. When it came to Islam, he chose Adam as his mentor.

Issue 98 | Real Lives | Kith & Kin

71. A week in the life of Hussein Alidina

Inspired by the Rio Summit in 1992 to take up a career in conservation, Hussein now works to protect the Pacific Coast of Canada.

Issue 98 | Real Lives | Week in the life of

72. Sustainable Solutions

In its bid to make a difference, MADE in Europe has launched two campaigns to promote sustainable living. One encourages people to stop drinking bottled water, and the other promotes fair trade.

Issue 98 | Life Forums | Ethical

73. 10 Questions with Shabir Nawab

Shabir Nawab knew that accountancy was to be his profession, for he had been inspired by his brother Rafiq. However, Rafiq’s inspiration was to drive further into Shabir’s life, teaching him that money should never be a motivator, and as such Shabir has grown to be a leading philanthropist.

Issue 98 | Life Forums | Finance

74. Geek Shaykh

Keep your green fingers at the ready, as Ali Khimji presents a range of eco-friendly gadgets that will keep excitement levels up and energy bills down.

Issue 98 | Life Style | Gadgets

75. Kicking for Glory

Hazem El Masri has been held up as a role model for young Australian Muslims after enjoying a successful career in rugby league. He speaks to Ali Khimji about what that means in the sporting world today.

Issue 98 | Life Style | Sports
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